1600 Pandas Plus at Metropolis at Metrotown

Disclosure: I was compensated for sharing this post with you. However, as always, my opinions, views, and the thoughts I share are my own.

Metropolis at Metrotown is pleased to host the North American premiere of the 1600 Pandas World Tour, launched in 2008 by the World Wildlife Fund and artist Paul Grangeon.


With recycled materials, the artist handcrafted 1600 papier-mâché pandas – the approximate number of pandas left in the wild at that time.

1600 Pandas+

The updated exhibit title 1600 Pandas+ refers not only to the 17% increase in the population of wild giant pandas to over 1800 in the past decade, but also to increased public awareness of panda conservation as an always symbolic reminder of wildlife sustainability.

1600 Pandas+

Paulo Grangeon

Paulo Grangeon, the artist who oversaw the creation of the thousands papier-mâché pandas has been active in his craft of sculpture for more than 30 years. His wooden sculptures and stage designs have appeared around the world. To date, he has created more than 10,000 papier-mâché pandas.

WWF Canada

WWF Canada creates solutions to the environmental challenges that matter the most for Canadians. WWF Canada works in places that are unique and ecologically important so that nature, wildlife and people can live and thrive together. Because we are all wildlife!

1600 Pandas+

Perhaps the best part of this exhibit – if you love pandas, you can adopt one of the papier-mâché pandas created by Paulo Grangeon.

Adopt a papier-mâché panda!

All the pandas in the exhibit at Metropolis at Metrotown are available for adoption (update – all the pandas available for adoption have now been adopted – meaning more than $46,000 has been raised for conservation efforts!) . All monies collected will be donated directly to WWF Canada for wildlife conservation and education work. You can visit the adoption kiosk in the mall to make your donation and reserve your panda.

1600 Pandas+

Be aware that the pandas you adopt are not available for an immediate take-home (much to my Bears chagrin – see the above photo to see the face of a child who has just learned that the panda she loves will not be coming home with her right there and then).

The reality is that the 888 pandas on display at Metropolis have a job to do in the mall until August 8th. They will be available to take home August 10-12th during mall hours.

Enter to win one of two great contest:

1. You can share your 1600 pandas+ experience on Instagram. Follow and tag @metropolisatMet, @WWFCanada, and #1600PandasPlusCA for a chance to win a weekly Panda Prize pack including a $50 metropolis gift card.

2. You can also enter on the touchscreens located in Metropolis for a chance to win a trip for a family of four to see the pandas at the Calgary zoo and a $500 Metropolis gift card.

1600 Pandas+

Whatever you do, get yourself and your kidlets to Metropolis at Metrotown to see the 888 papier-mâché pandas that are on display. It really is a spectacular display of creativity.





6 responses to “1600 Pandas Plus at Metropolis at Metrotown”

  1. Tara Avatar

    Your girls were seriously so sweet! Loved the display and I cant wait to bring one home!

    1. stacey Avatar

      The kids LOVED the pandas and how the artist Paulo spoke with them about how he went about creating the pandas. They really enjoyed the event!

  2. Tamara Goyette Avatar
    Tamara Goyette

    The panda is a favourite for both of my girls, so this exhibit is very special to us and important. Sadly I cannot convince my husband that we need to adopt one.

    1. stacey Avatar

      Sad but happy – all the pandas at Metropolis have now been adopted. So you don’t have to worry about a homeless panda. But then sad because you don’t get to take one home.

  3. Dee Clarke Avatar

    I am a huge fan of installation art. This panda display is a wonderful way to make an important statement. I would be sad too to learn I couldn’t take one home with me right away. I guess we’ll just have to grin and bear it. ?

    1. stacey Avatar

      I see what you did there! As for installation art – this is quite a spectacular sight!