Today being a gloriously sunny day, I decided to skip out of my weekly lunch meeting at the Dot Com Pho and take my girls for a day on the town. We jumped aboard the Skytrain in Burnaby and headed downtown.
I asked the girls if they wanted to go on a harbour cruise and they responded with a resounding “YES!!” So off the train at Waterfront Station and over to the harbour cruise.

The girls, as usual, loved the harbour cruise.
Once we were on the North Shore we had a light lunch (teriyaki noodles with chicken and vegetables) at the Lonsdale Quay before heading back across the harbour to the Canada Line.
From Waterfront Station we headed to the Vancouver Airport aboard the Canada Line.
The girls loved that ride, especially the extended run through the tunnel. It is interesting how the Canada Line tunnel is so well lit compared to the Expo Line tunnel that runs under downtown Vancouver.
At the airport the girls had a great time playing in the playground near the observation deck. We could watch the planes moving about, fueling-up and doing whatever they do before departing while the girls played their funny kid games.

After a coffee and an extended time sitting on the observation deck, we realized that we had an hour long train ride to get back to life in the burbs.
We jumped on the Canada Line, rode to Waterfront, got on the Expo Line and rode back out the burbs.
Fortunately, the girls, who were pretty well exhausted after a full day of action were able to find a vacant sleeper car on the way home.

Truly a great family day.