Today we have a guest post from Annalie and Story’s mother, my sweet-super wife, Caragh.
Boy, some days do I wish that there was a release switch on the breast.
A mom could detatch the boob and leave it there in the baby’s mouth and then sneak away to…well probably dishes or laundry, but at least then you could get away and enjoy some non-baby time.
Today, after several wrestling matches of trying to get my daughter Story to sleep, I surrended defeat, and brought a bright eyed non-napped although surprisingly cheerful baby back downstairs. She obviously was quite thrilled at her victory.
The scenario: baby breastfeeds herself to sleep – Baby falls asleep – Mom gently removes nipple from mouth – Baby’s eyes instantly snap open and a wide toothy grin appears on a small face.
That’s two nano-naps of the 5-10 minute variety today. Ah, the thoughts that flicker through my energy fried mommy brain as this occurs time and time again. As I’m lying down with the nipple-lover yet another time on the bed, I wonder to myself that we haven’t progressed to having developed a pseudo-nipple any more realistic than the hardened plastic nubs we see today. We have in utero surgery, sake fueled cars in Japan, stem cell trachea transplants, but no nipples softer & more realistic than semi-hardened concrete??
BTW: my bottle fed baby Annalie who ironically refuses the boob went down for both naps after full feeds and is, in fact, still sleeping it off upstairs.

Or maybe she won’t find me here…