Awesome Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

As promised some days ago, here is the Yorkshire Pudding recipe my mother agreed to share with me and my readers.

Yorkshire Puddings
Yorkshire Puddings

I was in the test kitchen when this Yorkshire Pudding recipe was made and it really is as easy as I describe here – there is no pre-heating the pan, no need for “beef drippings” or letting the mixture rest for “so many minutes”. It is just this easy.

So give them a try and enjoy some of the most amazing Yorkshire Puddings you will ever make. Let me know if they work out for you too.

To begin – Use an 8 cup measuring cup or bowl and add to it the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 cup of milk or cream if you don’t have milk
  • And three eggs.

Using a handmixer mix the mixture until it is just blended. It’s really quick to mix, approximately one minute. You do not want to overmix this mixture.

Then pour the mixture into a well greased Yorkshire pudding pan or muffin type pan or custard cups. You should get six good sized Yorkshire puddings out of this amount of mixture.

If you use a muffin pan you should probably use every 2nd cup so that when they pop over, they don’t connect together and make a mess sticking together.

Place the muffin pan of mixture into an oven that has been pre-heated to 375°. Leave them in the oven for one hour and watch these beauties grow.

Two Popovers
Two Popovers


