So if you have landed on this page you have seen the big change that I have made; I have consolidated my blog activities to this one blog – Stacey Robinsmith dot com.
As you may or may not know, this is the blog I started with so many years ago. At some point over the last few years I started the blog called Life in the Burbs and then after that I started Eating in the Burbs.
Well honestly, it is too much work to try and generate enough quality for all three blogs so I have moved all my blog posts from Life in the Burbs and Eating in the Burbs over to here and this is where I will be focussing my energy on blogging.
2 responses to “The Big Blog Move”
Sounds like a good plan!
[…] good friend Stacey Robinsmith has taken a rather dramatic leap of faith, making the big blog move to amalgamate his various online properties into a single unified blog. His new home on the web […]