City Life, Suburban Life Part III

Lately I have been blogging about the differences between my former uber-urban life and my new life in the burbs. Today, instead of a difference, I have a bog post about a similarity between the urban life and my life in the burbs.

Garden Boxes
Garden Boxes

As my dedicated readers know, I am a gardener. Not a flowers and “oh-that’s-so-pretty” type of garden but a food gardener. Yes, much to my Sweetheart’s chagrin I have converted much of our front lawn into a food-producing garden.

We grow radishes, peas, beans, carrots, beets, lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, potatoes and garlic and more. We rotate crops around in the garden boxes and we have fun with it.

Well guess what? My uber-urban super-blogging friend, Lee-Anne of the Mom Paradigm ALSO is a gardener.

Rooftop Garden Photo by Lee-Anne Ekland
Rooftop Garden Photo by Lee-Anne Ekland

The thing is, instead of being in the yard in front of her house, her garden is on the rooftop of the downtown building she lives in.

How cool is that!

Another cool similarity is that her rooftop garden has domestic honey bees, just like my garden.

A difference in the honey bee situation though is that the good people from Legacy Liquor Stores and Hives 4 Humanity funded the honey bee project at Lee-Anne’s rooftop garden.

Honey Bees
Honey Bees

While nobody has (yet) offered to fund my gardening project, I also have domestic honey bees attending to the needs of the flowers and plants in my front yard garden.

To me it is just awesome that people can grow some of their own food. I understand that it is a tiny portion of the food we eat and that we are limited in what we can produce but it is SOMETHING. And perhaps most importantly, it is a way for me to teach my children to respect the earth and to better understand what real food is and where it comes from.

Wherever you are, grow some food. It is an amazing experience. Peace.






2 responses to “City Life, Suburban Life Part III”

  1. Corrie Avatar

    Plus you are teaching us adults who have never had a “food” garden how to do it! This year, I converted our never used sandbox into a veggie garden after reading your posts last year (or was it the year before?). Not too sure about the bees though, we have a thriving bear population here.

  2. […] you are not interested or not able to grow your own food as I like to do, the next best thing is to buy […]