This morning Annalie and I went down to the Village for an early Thanksgiving coffee. It is neat to see so many other fathers out with their little ones. There was one father who came in with a baby even smaller and then my twin dolls. I like this. Yesterday I saw many fathers walking while pushing strollers. Funny how you do not notice these things until you have joined the ranks of the fathers walking with little ones.
The same applies to vans. Who notices vans until you need one? I am getting tired of trying to jam myself, my partner and the twins into the car. Driving with my knees pressed against the steering wheel really sucks. It is a fine balance of pain though, which sucks more, jamming self against steering wheel or driving a van? At some point we will have to begin test driving vehicles.
At this point we are gearing up for a Thanksgiving walk through the forest. It is fun to watch the girls looking at the trees with such wonder. I can only imagine the brain development that is taking place every time we step outside. And step outside we will now. More later.