Community to Participate in Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Planning

From the City of Coquitlam –

The City of Coquitlam is inviting residents, local businesses and property owners, as well as community organizations to join a Public Advisory Group that will help develop a combined Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Plan (BLNP) to shape new growth and development in that area over the next 20 to 25 years.

The Burquitlam-Lougheed Neighbourhood Planning Public Advisory Group (BLNP PAG) will play a key role in the planning process by representing community interests and adding their perspective to the BLNP update. Those interested in being a member are invited to submit an application to the City no later than noon on Monday, April 28.

As a result of the planned opening of the Evergreen Line in 2016, Coquitlam is experiencing tremendous growth and opportunity. Fortunately, the City laid important groundwork for rapid transit over 11 years ago when it adopted the original Lougheed Neighbourhood and Burquitlam Neighbourhood Plans. These Plans anticipated apartments, shops, offices and public space around planned SkyTrain stations to create walkable, transit-oriented neighbourhoods. The City also developed the Transit-Oriented Development Strategy (TDS) in 2012 to respond to a changing housing market, guide new development and support future Neighbourhood Plan updates.

The City is now taking a closer look at the Lougheed and Burquitlam Plans to ensure these neighbourhoods continue to evolve in a way that reflects community needs and leverages the opportunities presented by the Evergreen Line.

The BLNP PAG is a key component of the public consultation process and represents a broad range of community interests. BLNP PAG representatives will provide feedback into the development of the BLNP at each stage of the process by:

  • providing a local perspective on opportunities for the neighbourhood;
  • reviewing, commenting and advising on plan inputs and project deliverables at key milestones of the planning process;
  • reporting back on plan progress and any input provided, where applicable;
  • attending public engagement events such as Public Open Houses, when  possible; and
  • promoting involvement in public engagement activities to community  members.

The planning process is expected to last approximately 20 months and will take place between spring 2014 and fall 2015. Coquitlam City Council will formally appoint the BLNP PAG members for a term to coincide with the BLNP update. During that time the BLNP PAG is expected to meet three to four times with meeting dates and times to be determined with input from the BLNP PAG members.

Please visit the website at for more information about the BLNP process and to obtain a copy of the PAG application form. The deadline to apply for the BLNP PAG is noon Monday, April 28, 2014. All applicants will be notified of the selection outcome.

The City of Coquitlam encourages all community members to learn more and get engaged in the neighbourhood planning process by attending the Public Open Houses, which will be held throughout the update process and will be widely advertised in local papers, on the City website and via social media channels.



