There was a very cool family fishing fun day at Como Lake today; the Como Lake Fishing Derby.
It was great to see so many youngsters out at the lake with fishing poles in hand.
All around the shore of the lake there were families fishing and having fun.
What made this day even more fun for many of the city kids is that to enjoy a day of family fishing they do not even need to own a fishing rod in order to get involved.
You could borrow fishing gear for the day. The folks who loan out the gear even give you a quick lesson on how to cast and reel in the line back in.
If you missed today’s family fishing derby, the good news is that on Saturday, June 15th from 9am to 2pm the BC Family Fishing and the BC Federation of Drift Fishers is hosting another family fun day of fishing at LaFarge Lake in Coquitlam.
I asked one of the organizers of the event why they do these events and he told me, with a straight face that, they “want to get a hook into youngsters so they get hooked on fishing early in life.”
He added that people who get hooked on fishing become great advocates for protecting our natural environment.
Any way you slice it, great family fun on Saturday, June 15th at LaFarge Lake in Coquitlam.