Although the people of Coquitlam are just three months into the new solid waste collection program, it is already yielding positive results in waste diversion.

One of the major goals of the new solid waste collection program was to increase participation in the City’s green waste program thereby reducing the amount of compostable trash going to landfills.
To provide an early indication of the effectiveness of changing to the automated bi-weekly garbage collection, city staff compared the amount of garbage and green waste collected curbside in July and August, 2013 with the same two months in 2014.
The 2014 months showed approximately 39 per cent less garbage collected while the 2014 green waste collection increased by nearly 40 per cent.
If you have questions or concerns about the new program you can call the City’s Engineering Customer Service at 604-927-3500.
Additionally, the Curbside Collection Schedule & Reminder service is available to provide a weekly reminder by phone, email, text message or Twitter. Learn more and sign up at
Something to note, cart size exchanges – with no cart exchange fees – will continue until the end of December, 2014. Starting in 2015, a fee will be charged for any cart exchanges.
For more information about solid waste collection in Coquitlam, visit