Dawna Friesen Joins Global National

On my way to work the other day I saw a bus stop poster of Dawna Friesen, the new anchor for Global TV’s 5:30pm program, the National. As I approached the bus stop I was saddened to see that someone had defaced the poster making her face look like an angry devil. Then as I pulled up even with the bus stop I noticed with horror that the poster had not been defaced at all. That is the image that someone chose.

Did anybody step back and look at the image before putting it up at bus stops all over the Metro Vancouver area? What a terrible choice they made.






One response to “Dawna Friesen Joins Global National”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stacey Robinsmith, Stacey Robinsmith. Stacey Robinsmith said: Has anyone else noticed that Dawna Friesen of Global National looks very angry in her bus stop poster photos? http://bit.ly/9wRE02 […]