Draft Metrotown Downtown Plan Overview

The City of Burnaby is undertaking a community planning process to update the community plan for the Metrotown neighbourhood.

The intent of the updated Plan is to establish Metrotown as Burnaby’s Downtown, made up of distinctive neighbourhoods that embrace and celebrate its people, community, diversity, mix of uses, character, architecture, urban form, and public realm. The vision of the Plan is to create an exciting, inclusive, and sustainable downtown.

As the first of Burnaby’s four Town Centres to take shape, and as one of the Region’s City Centres, Metrotown has functioned for decades as Burnaby’s downtown. This new Plan provides the opportunity to establish Metrotown as Burnaby’s official downtown, where the City’s highest concentration and mix of office, retail, residential, and amenities are to be located. Through this Plan a new identity is sought, based on distinct neighbourhoods that reflect the community and their surrounding context.

The first phase of public input on the preliminary vision, principles, and land use framework was completed on August 31, 2016. The Draft Metrotown Downtown Plan was prepared and built upon the public input received in Phase 1.

Metrotown Neighbourhood
Metrotown Neighbourhood

On November 21, 2016, Burnaby City Council endorsed the Draft Metrotown Downtown Plan as a basis for undertaking a second phase of public input.

The second phase of the public input process will contribute to the finalization of the Metrotown Downtown Plan for Council’s consideration.

The Draft Plan, public input survey, and background materials can be viewed online. (This is a 159 page document that provides loads of detail into the changes that are proposed for the Metrotown community).

If you want to meet with representatives from the City of Burnaby, there will be drop-in Plan Review Sessions throughout Burnaby. The dates and locations are as follows:

January 10 from 4-8 pm at the Cameron Library, 9523 Cameron St.

January 12 from 4 – 8pm at the Tommy Douglas Library, 7311 Kingsway

January 16 from 4 – 8pm at the Bob Prittie Library, 6100 Willingdon Ave

and January 19 from 3 – 7pm in Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way

If you want to know more or have your say on the revised community plan for the Metrotown neighbourhood, get to one of the meetings listed above.



