Evergreen Cultural Centre and the Fraser Valley Potters Guild

Here is a press release about the Fraser Valley Potters Guild exhibit that will be at the Evergreen Culture Centre.

Evergreen Cultural Centre and the Fraser Valley Potters Guild (FVPG) are extremely pleased to present Clay 2013: Functional Vessels & Sculptural Artifacts from May 4th to June 1st, 2013.

Evergreen Culture Centre
Evergreen Culture Centre

This annual juried exhibition, which is in the Art Gallery at Evergreen every three years, will showcase the recent work Fraser Valley Potters Guild members.

Pottery is an ancient and enduring art form and functional craft. Members of the Fraser Valley Potters Guild are connected with this ancient practice, yet approach pottery with a unique and contemporary angle.

This exhibition will showcase a variety of firing and finishing styles, which will include burnished pit-fired earthenware, raku, electric, gas and wood-fired stoneware and electric-fired crystalline porcelains.

As part of the Opening Reception on May 5th, Evergreen’s main lobby will feature a “Mug Wall”, where the public can purchase beautiful, hand-crafted mugs created by Fraser Valley Potters Guild members – this opportunity to start or expand your hand-crafted mug collection should not be missed!

And to also coincide with the opening of this exhibition, Evergreen is offering a special Clay Master Class. This workshop, for new and experienced ceramicists, ages 16+, will explore different hand-building techniques, to create a sculptural relief.

Clay 2013: Functional Vessels & Sculptural Artifacts

May 4 – June 1, 2013 in the Art Gallery at Evergreen Gallery Hours: 12pm – 5pm, Monday to Saturday Opening Reception: May 5, 4 – 6pm

Clay Master Class Workshop (Ages 16+) May 5, 12pm – 3pm in Studio D at Evergreen Fee: ECC Members: $5; Non-members: $20 Call 604.927.6552 to register.


