Here is an excerpt from a little blog a good friend sent to me today. This is one of the closing paragraphs of the blog post but it is so beautifully written that I simply had to share it. To read the entire post (which is truly amazing) you can visit the Learning from the Luminouspage itself.
… So do it. Reduce my pension. Make me poor, since I don’t qualify for Social Security. Make my medicine unaffordable. Make my raise contingent upon proof that my art lessons somehow improved state math scores. Continue firing at my feet to see how long you can make me dance. It still won’t change the fact that life did not work out as you planned and you’re now a bitter little turd. AND I will STILL fucking love my job, because I am rocking this for all the right reasons. After you take every tool and incentive and support away from me, and millions like me, you won’t suddenly have anything great that you don’t already have. And then you will be terribly disappointed to find out that this isn’t a scam after all. Whether decorated or destroyed, inside every school we run on something you can’t legislate, isolate, measure or destroy. Much to your inarticulate all caps despair.
It’s love, dumbass. If you’d bother to volunteer at the little school down the street you could have a sample. I won’t even tell the kids what you wrote about their teacher.
3 responses to “Excerpt from the Learning from the Luminouspage; NaBloPoMo 29”
Got me over to the page. WOW!
Wow! Thank you for posting the link to my blog!
I love the way your page tells it the way it really is. Teachers and civil servants are not the massive drain on the economy.