Freebies for parents

One of the things that you find out at some point after having babies is that there are multitudes of “reward plans” that you can register for in order to get freebies for your babies. The silly thing is that most of the time you don’t even know that these programs even exist. I have been stumbling across these freebie programs simply quite randomly.

The best program we have found so far is the support that Nestle offers to parents of “multiples.” What is wrong with free cans of formula? Little did we know that Heinz offers a similar program. Probably all the other baby food companies do the same thing. Problem is that once you get your baby hooked on one type of formula it is pretty tough to switch.

As well, Save-On-Foods offers a program that you can register for when you have a baby. We have not yet registered our kids for this program simply because we have not yet been into a store with the twins’ birth certificates in hand. That is typically the key piece that you have to have with you when you want to register your kids. Another rewards type program is offered through Shoppers Drug Mart. You can get bonus Optimum Points if you register the fact that you have kids.

Bottom line, search out the freebies! And, perhaps people could share the rewards programs that they have found? If you do not want to comment on this post, email your find and I will see that it is added to the conversation here. Thanks folks.






5 responses to “Freebies for parents”

  1. stacey Avatar

    I have a list of links to add to this posting; I just have to get the girls top sleep and will try to post up additions then. Keep them coming…and remember, you can post them yourself, you do not have to email them to me. But thanks for all suggestions so far!

  2. stacey Avatar

    The first link that we actually found and joined so that our twins are now Nestle babies:

  3. stacey Avatar

    Similar to the Nestle baby club is the Heinz site:

  4. Renuka Avatar

    Not free products, but you can order coupons at (including ones for Pampers) and they mail them to your house for free. I’ve used their service several times! also provides the same free mail-to-home service, but they don’t currently have any baby products up – keep checking! You could always save on the grocery bill with the yogurt coupons and such though. 🙂