I was out with my kids for a walk around our neighbourhood when I snapped this pic.
You may be asking, why take a picture of a rusty old can? I took the picture because as I glanced down and saw that can sitting there in the weeds I was transported through time and space back to a hunting trip I went on with grandfather many, many years ago.
Here is the scene;
About 40 years ago I was out on a hunting trip with my grandfather. We had hiked a long way up a ridge and had sat down to rest for a bit. We really were in the middle of nowhere.
As we were sitting there taking in the view down through the valley my grandfather said, “It is amazing to think that there may never have been another man, woman or child sitting here, ever before.”
I looked over, saw a rusty tomato juice can and calmly asked, “I wonder if a bear dropped that can there by that log.”