In May of this year I decided to buy a Chevy Bolt. So I went to Carter GM in Burnaby and met with Howard the car sales guy and without ever driving a Bolt – I put a fully refundable deposit on a Metallic Ghost Grey Chevy Bolt.

And then last Friday, Howard called to inform me that my Bolt had arrived on their lot.
Funny thing, when I went to the Carter GM lot on Lougheed and Willingdon near Brentwood in Burnaby I had to ask if they were moving or even closing.
It is not unreasonable to think that either of these could be true because there is a crazy amount of high-rise development going on around that area. As well as the development in the area, you can’t help but notice that Carter GM have a massive lot – with virtually no cars on it!
I was told that they normally have 150-200 cars on their lot for customers to look at. But you know the refrain, “supply chain issues”.
Now, as soon as they get a car delivered to their lot, it is basically polished and prepped for a customer (like me!) who has paid a deposit and is waiting for delivery. Supply chain issues. Ugh.

Anyway, what about my new Chevy Bolt?
Some say the Bolt is a basic, entry-level car. Well I have to disagree. Maybe I feel this was because I am familiar with driving my nearly 20 year old Toyota Echo – which is TRULY a basic, entry-level car!

But the Bolt. My first impressions of the Bolt – I LOVE IT. I love the range that the Bolt can travel (close to 400 kilometres on a full charge). And how about the acceleration? WOW. I am glad I did not have a car like this when I was young and into driving fast.
I also love the keyless entry. Yeah I know that is not “new technology” now. But I love it. The back-up camera – I really like the beautiful images provided by the camera and the “beep-beep-beep” warning if there is a car or pedestrian anywhere behind the car.
I have very quickly grown to LOVE the “one pedal” driving system. I will talk more about this feature in a future post. In a nutshell, when the “one pedal” system is engaged all you do is use the accelerator pedal.
When you want to move forward, you press the pedal like you do in a gasoline powered car. However, when you want to slowdown, you just let off the accelerator and the power regeneration system slows the car basically to a stop. It took me a couple of hours of driving to get used to it, but once you get the hang of the system, it is VERY cool. You rarely ever have to use the brake pedal.
Anyway, one more thing I really like about the Bolt – it has heated seats. Well, to be honest, I am not loving them NOW, seeing as we are in the middle of a heatwave, but I am thinking that come winter time I will appreciate the heated seats, and the heated steering wheel. Like future-Stacey will appreciate these feature – just not this week when we are experiencing another heatwave.
And speaking of the seats in the Bolt, there are a couple things about the Bolt that I do not like. Yep, even though I love the Chevy Bolt, there are a couple things I am not 100% pleased about.
First, the front seats are not “luxurious”. They are comfortable but they are not the most comfortable car seat I have ever sat.
Next complaint is that there are no cup holders for passengers in the rear seats! That just seems weird.
It seems like every time I drive the Chevy Bolt I discover something new about it. Today I learned how to engage or disengage the traction control and the “lane departure” warning system.
I discovered these when I stuffed my big meaty hand into the “bin” that I use to keep my mobile phone away and out of sight. Right at the opening to the phone bin are three buttons – one to turn on/off the traction control and another to turn on/off the lane departure control. I can’t remember what the third button was for.
The thing my kids MOST like about the Bolt is that IT HAS AIR CONDITIONING!!! No more will the kids have to complain because I have my car windows open on our epic adventure road trips!

Anyway, that is it for now. My first impression of the Chevy Bolt is pure love. As I drive it a bit more and get some ideas about how it works in real life situations, I will write more. I will also get some interior pics (before the kids make a mess of it!). More info as I learn more about the Bolt.
Oh, and just to be clear, I have no affiliation with Carter GM other than being a very happy customer who feels like I was treated with respect in every part of the car-buying process.