The other day I got a bee in my bonnet that I wanted to cook up some linguine carbonara.
So I did it – Dad in the Burbs style which means I used a few “hacks” and whatever I had in my fridge to make it happen.
Fresh noodles, grated cheese, and sour cream.
We diced up an onion, a few cloves of garlic and shallots.
Added the garlic, onions, and shallots to the pan of already cooked down pancetta. I let that cook until it was all squishy and ooey goodness.
In my large stainless mixing bowl I put two eggs and sour cream.
Then mixed that. Mixed it really thoroughly. Whip it, whip it good!
I continued to whip the eggs and sour cream mixture while holding the mixing bowl over the pot of cooking pasta noodles.
Then once the noodles were cooked I scooped them out without draining them and added them to the bowl of whipped up egg, cream, and onion-pancetta mixture.
After a good mixing, I plated the Dad in the Burbs-style linguine carbonara.
I will add the ingredients list below (when I get a minute).