Making Sourdough Bread Update

I finally did it! I baked a loaf of bread from my sourdough starter that WE CAN eat!!

The truth is that this was my second loaf. The first loaf turned out to be so dense and hard that I just tossed it in the green bin. It would’ve more of a blunt force

The loaf is not perfect but it is edible. And not just edible, but actually quite tasty with a clear sourdough flavour.

One thing I did realize is that I’m being a good Fortis customer and I’ve turned the thermostat in our house down a few degrees so it is quite chilly (cool) overnight. And seeing as bread dough needs a bit of warmth to “work” I decided to put the ball of dough inside the oven with just the oven light on. That worked! Overnight the dough rose up about twice in size.

I probably took the lid off the Dutch oven too early because the crust on the bread ended up being too hard.

I’ll definitely be trying again!






One response to “Making Sourdough Bread Update”

  1. Peter Goudie Avatar
    Peter Goudie

    most interesting!