As I have often said, I have a fetish for leather briefcases, satchels, messenger bags and wallets. The bags are typically too expensive to purchase too many of them too frequently. Fortunately, wallets are not too expensive, usually…
It just so happens I also love leather wallets. My current everyday carry is my ML Leather Fisherman’s wallet (on the right hand side in this photo).
My second favourite is my Whipping Post bi-fold. So that begs the question, why do I need two more Marlondo Leather wallets?
I suppose I don’t.
So I am giving away the Marlondo Leather bi-fold pictured to the left. The wallet on top of the Marlondo Leather bi-fold is my ML Leather Fisherman’s wallet wallet. (I’m not letting go of my ML Leather Fisherman’s Wallet!)
To win this Marlondo Leather bi-fold wallet giveaway, simply guess a number between one (1) and one thousand (1000) and enter that number in a comment on this blog post. I will use a random number generator to find the winning number.
The rules:
One guess per person please.
In order for me to contact you, enter your email address (your email address will NEVER be made public and I will NOT send you any spam or any email other than to let you know you are the winner in this specific contest).
I will generate and publicize the winning number at 9pm (PST) tomorrow, April 29th 2013.
Have fun and may the odds be ever in your favor.
26 responses to “Marlondo Leather Bi-Fold Wallet Giveaway”
333 thanks for the chance!!
777 please! 🙂
I guess 571.
666, my moms favorite number!
My guess 373.
589 🙂
830 Thanks!
I’m feeling 253.
Thanks for the chance! 🙂
234. Thanks!! Fingers crossed!
369….thank you! Great idea!
32 🙂
192! God bless u!
I’m going for 333. Cheers Stacey!
258 Thanks!
Hmmm, I’ll go with 312
918 🙂 🙂
AND the winning number generated by the iPad Random Number Genearator app is….drum roll…#174!!! Whoever has the closest number, higher or lower is the winner.
Joanne Wong is the winner with number #192. Congrats!!