My Home Reno Gone Wrong

We had a friend from the Kootenays stop by our place a couple of weeks ago. He ended up spending the night at our house. In the morning our guest commented on all city-like noises from our house that kept him awake at night. One of those noises was the toilet in the powder room that continually trickles water from the tank to the bowl.

Now my philosophy is to not touch these trivial sort of home maintenance tasks until there is a total and complete catastrophic failure. The following photos photos demonstrate why I live by this philosophy and what happened when I chose to ignore my life-philosophy.

Here is the first picture. The toilet.

The Leaky Toilet
The Leaky Toilet

And then the next step after the toilet…notice that the photo caption says “Step Three.” It is correct. There was another wall and door that had to be installed before this step could begin.

Step Three of the Home Reno
Step Three of the Home Reno

And one of the final steps in the process…

Stacey on Excavator

More explanation of this process will follow.



