New Parks Being Developed for Burke Mountain

Good news for people who are, or who have already moved to Burke Mountain – planning is underway for two new parks – Princeton and Sheffield Parks. These two parks are currently undeveloped neighbourhood parks. 

Princeton Park (1399 Marguerite Street) is 1.61 acres in the Upper Hyde Creek neighbourhood, while Sheffield Park (3510 Sheffield Avenue) is 4.70 acres in the Smiling Creek Neighbourhood.

Programming and design for both parks will complement existing parks and future school sites within these neighbourhoods. The goal will be to provide a variety of amenities for local residents that reflect the community’s needs.

This could include a range of offerings such as activity and play areas for children and youth, informal grassy areas for outdoor play or picnicking, seating and social gathering spaces, pathways and landscaped areas.

Water play facilities, washrooms and other amenities may be considered for Sheffield Park due to its larger size and prominence within the neighbourhood.

The design process for both parks will begin in late summer and early fall 2015 with the goal of providing draft concept plans to Council in late 2015 for Princeton Park and early 2016 for Sheffield Park. Public consultation will also be part of the planning and design process.

It is anticipated that construction for Princeton Park will take place over summer 2016, and for Sheffield Park over spring and summer 2017.

Council has already approved preliminary funding for both parks in the amount of $100,000 and $661,000 for Princeton Park and Sheffield Park respectively. Final budgets for both parks will be completed once the detailed plans are approved by Council in the future.



