PNE Food Tour

PNE Food Tour Reminiscing

I have not had the energy to sit and write anything lately even though I have had some fun things happening. So, instead of writing much, here are some pics of our PNE food tour.

PNE Food Tour

First up, we tried pickle pizza. We liked it. However, I suppose obviously, if you do not like pickles, you won’t like this. We liked it. Good pizza. Crust was a little too doughy so, 7.5/10.

PNE Food Tour

Next was “popcorn chicken” from Rice Burger.

PNE Food Tour

This stuff was DELICIOUS. 10/10. Yummy.

PNE Food Tour

The Mighty Zeus – a blooming onion with Greek Salad. Another winner. The onion was cooked all the way through and had a great deep fried batter flavour. 8/10.

PNE Food Tour

And then the dish I was MOST looking forward to – deep fried chicken skins! However, I could not even stand the smell of these! And the taste…well, kind of like pork rinds but not as good – and I am not a fan of pork rinds unless they are done fresh. This one gets a 1/10.

The two foodie items I missed out on this year: deep fried cheesecake or Mars bars. I guess that is why there is always next year!

That was it for our food tour of the PNE for this year.



