Prostate Cancer – not Prostrate Cancer

This year alone, 26,500 Canadian men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. One in seven men in British Columbia will develop the disease and 4000 men across the country will die from it.

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of British Columbia is coming to Dogwood Pavilion on Friday, November 14 at 1:00 p.m. to help people learn more about this disease. The community is encouraged to come to this free presentation to find out what prostate cancer is, forms of prevention, and the signs and symptoms of it.

The presentation will also cover the foundations research, community resources and support groups. This presentation is free, however; pre-registration is required. To register and for more information, please call 604-927-4386.

As a side note, there will be no actual testing of men’s prostate glands at the presentation on November 14th.

The Dogwood Pavilion is a City of Coquitlam recreation centre for adults 50 and older, located at 624 Poirier Street, entrance off of Winslow Avenue.



