Robinsmith Family Vacation Kaua’i; Day Four

Our Kaua’i Family Vacation continues. Even though the weather is less than ideal (torrential showers followed by blazing hot sun) we are enjoying ourselves immensely.

Early today we wandered over to the St Regis Princeville and walked the some ten thousand steps to the beach. Holy crapola it is a long way down to the beach. Once down to the beach though…

St Regis Princeville Beach
St Regis Princeville Beach

Gorgeous. This is the first beach here in Kaua’i where they have it all raked clean in the morning. All the other beaches have little bits of natural debris (sticks and seaweedy stuff) washed up on them. Not at the St Regis Princeville.

I do not know who was at the St Regis last night but the three black Crown Victorias with blacked out windows tell me someone special was there for the night.

Our girls loved the beach and enjoyed running and splashing in the waters. They had their first taste of ocean water and were very shocked by the experience. It was priceless watching them try to spit.

Later on we headed down the coast to Lydgate State Park. When we first arrived it was our turn to be shocked. We had read in our guide book that it is very kid friendly.

Lydgate State Park
Lydgate State Park


The crashing surf did not look kid-friendly at all.

So we decided to just go for a walk along the beach, in spite of the girls begging us to take them out into the ocean.




We soon found the kid-friendly part of Lydgate State Park. A closed in lagoon filled with families and small children splashing and swimming.

On the Beach
On the Beach


This was a wonderful place for our girls to explore and play in a relatively safe ocean environment.



Chicken in a Barrel
Chicken in a Barrel


Later on we went for a lunch break at Costco and the Big K. You can read all about that delicious golden-fried

experience on my foodie blog. I will be following up on a little barbecue place I discovered today; Chicken in a Barrel.  The ribs I tasted were melt in your mouth good.

Later we took a drive up to the Wailua Waterfall. This waterfall was the backdrop for the opening credits in the old tv show Fantasy Island.

Wailua Waterfall
Wailua Waterfall

It is another one of those breathtakingly beautiful scenes. A still photo of the place just does not do the same thing as seeing it in real life.

There are warning signs all over the place telling people to not go beyond the fence. The biggest deterrent may in fact be the fact that the ground disappears in front of you and you can only see the water falling into the pond below.

Later on we went shopping again in the Costco in Lihue. It is a bit weird to shop in Costco in Lihue because if you didn’t know any different, you would never be able tell just what city or country you are in. Everything is arranged just the same and many of the prices were identical to the prices at home. It is just a bit weird feeling.

Same with the Starbucks we visited today. I could have been in a Starbucks on Robson Street for all I knew. The food products looked identical and the product displays had no local influence. Same feeling or weird. More reason to support your local businesses.

All in all, another great day. Yes, the weather here on the north coast of Kaua’i definitely leaves something to be desired. The torrential rain showers that come up out nowhere are actually quite chilling. And the wind rarely dies down. The good thing is that it is only a half hour drive down the coast to warmer and less windy weather.

That’s it for now. Until later…Aloha!





3 responses to “Robinsmith Family Vacation Kaua’i; Day Four”

  1. marilyn wokatsch Avatar
    marilyn wokatsch

    Yes the north side of the island is wild weather wise … but it is almost always windy in all areas for part of the day .

    1. stacey Avatar

      So true. The north end is wild weather but it is so exquisitely beautiful. Wild and rugged and so untamed.

  2. casacaudill Avatar

    Weather on the North Coast of Kauai is insane in the winter. We went once in February and I will never do that again. My favorite time to visit the North Shore of Kauai is late August. The oceans are like glass, a lot of people have left the islands so the beaches aren’t crowded, and the rain and wind is pretty non-existent.