Royal City Farmers Market – Free Tickets to Fundraiser Dinner

I love farmers’ markets. Be it Trout Lake, Lytton’s Friday Farmer Market, Coquitlam – Poirier, or the Royal City Farmers Market, I love farmers’ markets.

Farmers' Market
Farmers’ Market

I love the many varieties of fruits and vegetables with real dirt still on the roots that are available for purchase.

I admire the eccentric people who are so sincere about saving heritage apple trees, tomatoes, potatoes and chickens.

There is usually someone at the market selling real free range eggs and someone with fresh raspberries or cherries or strawberries that were grown nearby or maybe from out in the Fraser Valley.

Each of the vendors is there at the market forming meaningful relationships with people who will be enjoying the food that they have spent their time and energy growing. You’ve probably seen the Facebook meme going around – the one that says it is important to shake the hand of the person who grew your food. Well, that is exactly what farmers markets are all about.

So, to help out the Royal City Farmers Market I have purchased two tickets to their fabulous fundraiser dinner event that will be held at the New Westminster Hub Restaurant on Wednesday, May 21st from 7-9pm.

However, instead of me going to the fundraising dinner I want to give the tickets away to one of my local readers. What do you need to do to win my two tickets? Post a brief comment on this blog post saying what you like about farmers markets. Include in your comment a number of your choosing from between one (1) and one hundred (100).

I will let this giveaway run from now until approximately 6:30pm PST on Monday, May 12th, 2014. Shortly after that time I will use my Random Number Generator iPad app to choose the winning number and then I will email the winning entry to let them know about their win.

Keep in mind when entering this giveaway that these are tickets to a one-off event and can only be used on May 21st from 7-9pm at the RCFM fundraising dinner event.

What would also be helpful is for you to share this blog post through your networks – Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (just kidding), email etc. Let people know that farmers market season is beginning and in particular, let them know that the Royal City Farmers Market is hosting a fabulous fundraising dinner event at the New West Hub Restaurant (which I have heard amazing things about!).

Thanks and good luck.





2 responses to “Royal City Farmers Market – Free Tickets to Fundraiser Dinner”

  1. Rachel wallace Avatar
    Rachel wallace

    Love farmers markets because it’s nice to get good quality food from our locals! Random number : 29

  2. Stacey Avatar

    Congratulations Rachel, you will be enjoying the RCFM event at the Hub Restaurant in New Westminster. I will forward the tickets to you. Enjoy!!