With all the festivities, fun parties and then my personal illness around the Christmas break I got backed up on my blogging and so I have a number of posts that I’m working on.

One of the first blog posts I want to do is about this cool new sushi making device that will help me learn to make presentable sushi at home. The device is called the Sushi Quik.
Knowing how much I enjoy sushi, I figured it’s time that I try making sushi rolls myself. So, I’m going to take the Sushi Quik device to the Eating in the Burbs test kitchen and see how it does, or see how I do at making sushi rolls. For that fun post I will create a little video of my experience. Just for your entertainment.

Another post I am working on is for the tortilla press that I just picked up. I picked up an Imusa 8 inch cast-iron tortilla press off Amazon.com. I’m curious to see how this cast iron press works. We already have a 6″ aluminum tortilla press but we will also give this larger cast-iron tortilla press a test in the Eating in the Burbs test kitchen.

After after those two posts I’ve got the new Titanium Exclusive cookware sauté pan that we add it to our home kitchen! This cookware is crazy amazing to cook with! I will be giving the new cookware a video post to show you how this cookware works in the test kitchen.
And of course after my recent visit to Hopcott Meats/Farms in Maple Ridge, they deserve a blog post as well. That blog post is going to be about the “farm to fork” type of food production.
When I visited Hopcott Meats I was impressed with the amount of local produce they offer for sale. As well as local produce, all the beef that they sell comes from cattle that come from three ranches up in the interior of BC. The Hopcott people bring the cattle from the BC ranches to their Maple Ridge farm where they are fattened up before being taken to slaughter.
So I will also be posting a full blog post on Hopcott Meats as soon as I get a minute.
Of course I’ve also got my miracle Yorkshire pudding recipe that I need to share as well. This super success will be a surprise to everybody – it is SO EASY to make Yorkshire Puddings that rise up three or more inches above the pan!!
As soon as I get a minute I will get into the Eating in the Burbs test kitchen and get some video gold to share with you. Until then, eat well!!