Tag: Air Fryer

  • Win A Cuisinart Air Fryer

    Win A Cuisinart Air Fryer

    As I have previously stated, I love my air fryer. It cooks super-fast and is more economical to use seeing as you do not need to heat up a huge oven to cook relatively small things to perfection. To give you an opportunity to win aCuisinart air fryer, I have teamed up with my fellow…

  • Air Fryer Blooming Onion

    Air Fryer Blooming Onion

    Under the heading “Learn to stay in your own lane” I bring you my second attempt at an air fryer blooming onion. And spoiler alert, it is still not pretty – nor very tasty. I started out with the onion – cut into segments and yes, I probably cut too close to the base of…

  • Air Fryer Prime Rib Eye Steak

    Air Fryer Prime Rib Eye Steak

    As I said a month ago, I now have an air fryer in the kitchen and I have really grown to love it. I love it so much that I used it to “air fryer” a prime rib eye steak! Admittedly, the air fryer does not do everything well. I tried making homemade onion rings…