Tag: changes
Testing a New Look
I’m testing a new look for the blog. One big change you may notice is that on the right side of the blog I now have my Instagram feed – which replaces my Twitter feed. I’m still working on getting my “about me” page back up and running. Overall, what are your thoughts?
Computer Changes and Crashes
After a few days of computer troubles we seem to be back in business. We tried out a little netbook for a couple of days and all I will say is, don’t buy a single core processor! I had no idea what the difference between a single, double or triple core processor was until this…
The Vancouver Restaurant Scene
In the days of long ago, during more innocent times, when we were childless, my Sweetheart and I would search out new and exotic cuisines at the most fashionable restaurants in our city. In fact we would plan our vacations around specific restaurants that we wanted to dine at. Sometimes in the middle of the night…
Change is Good
For Tricia…Anyone who knew me twenty or thirty years ago knows that I was a fiend for Led Zeppelin and Neil Young and Crazy Horse. I had a Jeep that I would drive around Kitsilano in with the top down and a 200 watt amp pumping the power to the banks of speakers that I replaced…
The Best Christmas Yet
Really now, what could I really ask for, desire or be given that could be better than this? What more could I ask for? Born on April 17th, the first day of week 33 of the pregnancy, weighing 3 lbs 4 oz, and 3 lbs 12 ounces, the girls have thrived and grown. Story laughs…
Baby becomes a greased ferret
I remember when I was a kid and we lived on a rural property (calling it a farm would be a stretch) my Dad brought home, through some complicated Tom Sawyer like trade, a “pet” ferret. Now anyone who has had a pet ferret might disagree with my observations, be that as it may… A ferret…
Brown Bear Stands Up, Blonde Bear Gazes at me
What an incredible time to watch the twins developing. There are so many changes happening so rapidly that at times the months we spent in the NICU and even before that in the BC Womens’ Hospital seems like a faint and distant memory. On Monday of this week Brown Bear figured out how to pull herself…
Brown Bear starts to stand-up for herself
We saw something that excited and frightened us this morning; Brown Bear was sitting beside the Exersaucer, on the outside of it. She grabbed the top of it and she started to pull herself up into a standing position. She got about halfway up and then collapsed back onto her hinnie. Exciting to see her developing and…
My missing opposing digits and some random observations
I finally figured out why I have such difficulty changing the twins diapers and also getting the girls dressed. If you look at the picture you will understand my difficulties. Never mind the difficult I will be having with getting the twins dressed, tomorrow I am on my own with them. There might be an…