Tag: customer service failure
Do You Support Local Business? Unconditionally?
In the past I have blogged about how I love to support small, local business. However, like Chris Brogan, my support for small, local business is not unconditional. We have two cats in our house. (when you read that sentence, you can imagine the tone of voice to be me saying, “we have pests in…
Canadian Tire Customer Service FAIL
My Canadian Tire adventure began with the following tweet that I sent out; @canadiantire if you don’t have people in your stores to help customers, they won’t buy anything from your store. #fail #customerservice I then received the following tweet in reply; @srobinsmith could you please contact customerservice@canadiantire.com with your contact info about this? We…
More of My Why You Never Say No to a Customer
The following brief email exchange is one of the best examples of the worst examples (yes, a good example of a bad example) of sales skills I have seen in a long time. Email from me, Hello, Does Pearson sell a textbook for a Marketing 11/12 class curriculum? I will be teaching Marketing 11/12 and…
Customer Service Pet Peeve; Don’t Say NO to the Customer
One of the things that really annoys me is when I walk into a store and ask for something and the first response from the salesperson is, “No, we don’t have that.” Typically if I hear that I say, “Thanks, well then I guess I will have to take my money somewhere else.” The other…
Follow-up Visit to the Sub-Urban Fare
Here are a couple pics of my follow-up visit to the suburban equivalent of the high end grocery store, Urban Fare. This is pretty typical of every visit I have made to this grocery store. So then you look to the counter where there is usually a young person…
No-Frills Customer Service Fail
I was just at my neighbourhood No-Frills grocery store. Cashier was a total bitch. Line-up of CUSTOMERS at her till got long quite suddenly. She looks up and says, with anger dripping from her voice, “I’m never going to get anything done tonight.” I asked, “Isn’t serving customers one of the things you are supposed…
Customer Service Failure and Successes
Customer service is a tricky business. You’ve heard the funny store about the rookie store clerk getting trained. The manager says, “Rule number one is, the customer is always right. Rule two, if the customer is wrong, refer to rule number one.” Well I do not necessarily agree with that philosophy but I do understand where…
How to Get Out of Telecom Contracts
Here is the scoop on how to stop your telecom provider from saying, “Oh by the way, you will now be paying this much more.” Read it and act: https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=10150406464705398&id=763265547
Home Depot Follow Up
The verdict from home was that we “need” the wardrobes that I was sent to look at the other night at Home Depot. Honestly, I have no idea why I had to look at them anyway, if I had said they are ugly and stupid the response would have been, “What time can you pick…
Home Depot Customer Service Failure
I just got home from the local Home Depot. What an epic failure that expedition was. Wow. At home I am doing a little renovation; I am changing what was the laundry-room into a bedroom (twins, you know). So I wanted to remove the dryer outlet, a 220 volt receptacle. I had the power shut…