Tag: deep thoughts

  • Thoughts on Aging

    Thoughts on Aging

    You don’t stop skateboarding because you’re old – you grow old because you stop skateboarding. Add any other activity in place of skateboarding. Keep doing what you love to do!

  • Post-Pandemic

    I often hear people saying, “we’ll do…after things get back to normal.” What if what we are doing, or more accurately, what if what we are not doing now is the new normal?

  • An Inspirational Thought

    As many BC teachers (me included) continue to grapple with implementing new curriculum to their teaching practice, the following quote from George Couros’ book “The Innovator’s Mindset” struck a chord with me, “Again though, at the heart of innovation are people, not stuff.”  That’s my inspirational thought to end what has been a very long…

  • Farm Wisdom

    When you are on a farm or a ranch and you come across a gate that you need to pass through and it is closed, after you go through it, you close it again! This is one of the most important rules there is to life on a farm or in the country.     The…