Tag: diapers

  • Sort of Wordless Wednesday

    We were sorting through an old diaper bag in preparation for our trip to Kauai when we came across a couple of diapers from quite awhile ago. It is funny to think that our little angels were once so small. The small diaper is a size one (which is actually one size larger than they…

  • The Three Most Essential Items

    My Sweetheart and I were talking on the way home from Spanish Banks. The conversation turned to the “what do you think are the three items that are essential to us in regards to our babies.” She immediately said, well, “You.” Making me quickly adjust my mental list to place her at the top of…

  • Stay at Home Papa for the Day

    Today my Sweetheart loaded all of the baby gear that we no longer use into a friend’s van and headed to the Baby Swap Meet. The plan was to leave me with the twins while she went and sold all the stuff. So first thing this morning, after we loaded the van I stood alongside the twins…

  • Living in a shit-storm

    Sometimes I feel like I am living in a shit storm. Take this morning for example…Annalie wakes up at 4:30am, reeking of turd. I begin to change her by pulling her jersey up over her head and find that the poonami has completely breached the perimeter. The inside of the jersey has been soiled so…

  • Baby becomes a greased ferret

    I remember when I was a kid and we lived on a rural property (calling it a farm would be a stretch) my Dad brought home, through some complicated Tom Sawyer like trade, a “pet” ferret. Now anyone who has had a pet ferret might disagree with my observations, be that as it may… A ferret…

  • Weekend visitors doing the Lord’s work

    I forgot to talk about the visitors we received on Saturday morning before we headed out for our day on the town. This was just too funny, in hindsight, to not mention. Caragh and I were both in full flight trying to get the twins fed, diapers changed, boobs pumped, diaper bag packed, stuff and…

  • Garbage duty

    Not only do I get the pleasure of changing the pissy diapers off the twins, this morning I had the extra pleasure of scraping the dirty diapers off our driveway. For some reason the crows decided our garbage cans must contain food. So they took advantage of the fact that our garbage cans were lying…

  • The simple life

    Ahh for the simple life; when a baby cries the solution is relatively simpple. It wants either a bottle, it wants to be held or it has crapped the diaper and needs a change. Reminds me of life in my twenties…other than the crapping the diaper thing.

  • And up again for garbage day…the glamour of it all

    I never dreamed that I would feel lucky to have actually slept, fitfully, but slept, from midnight to 5am. Now the girls are up and want to party. Their mom has different ideas and I am having a coffee before heading out to the factory to make more widgets for the world. Crap…garbage day today too.…

  • The Crabby Crabberson twins

    If a baby skips her afternoon nap the result is awful. By bed time the twins were both screaming and crying, arching their little backs and throwing themselves around as if they were in agony. The truth of the matter is that we were in agony from their cries, not them. However, a little warm…