Tag: dreams
Sleeping and Dreaming
Last night, for only the second time since since our baby girls were born I slept long and deep enough to actually slip into a dream. The subject matter of the dream is what is quite amusing. My dream took me on a complicated path through a restaurant/meeting room complex to a caucus retreat meeting…
The Best Christmas Yet
Really now, what could I really ask for, desire or be given that could be better than this? What more could I ask for? Born on April 17th, the first day of week 33 of the pregnancy, weighing 3 lbs 4 oz, and 3 lbs 12 ounces, the girls have thrived and grown. Story laughs…
Receiving Things from my Christmas Wishlist Already!
So in a way some of my Christmas wish list has come true. Not exactly what I asked for but sure closer. My father has been moved into a long-term care facility close enough to my mother’s home so that she can now roll over in her electric wheelchair and see him any day. Another Christmas…
Waking up to a smile
In some ways, having twin baby daughters is very good for my male ego. Where else could a middle aged guy who has not yet lost the chubby belly associated with pregnancy, usually wearing socks and t-shirts that were laundered days ago, unshaven, and teeth unbrushed with the associated bad breath make a female so…
How big we have become!
The girls like to curl their tiny fingers around mine and this morning I looked down at that hand and thought about how big they have grown in the last seven months. Compared to the first couple of days and weeks of their lives.
The new sleep pattern as dictated by the twins
The girls have decided to alter the evening/night schedule. As usual they have their tub between 6 and 6:30pm, have a feast and then into bed by about 7pm. They sleep quite peacefully, sometimes stirring a little, but sleep until 10:30pm. Then they figure it is time to get up. Story in particular let’s everyone on the…
H1N1 vaccine reconsidered because…
If you had twin baby girls at home who are too young to get vaccinated against the H1N1 flu and you worked in a place where some of the people believe it is important for them to come into work even though they have been positively diagnosed with H1N1, would you reconsider getting the vaccine…
Adapting to my new morning routines
It is amusing to look to the right of my screen and see the “Tag Cloud”. For those who may not know, the Tag Cloud shows the topics I write about most frequently. The larger the font for the topic, the more I have written about that topic. I would like to do a long…
Holding hands
The satisfaction of…
There are few things in life that are as satisfying as holding a fussing baby in your arms and seeing her transition from fussy to sleepy. It is simply beautiful in the peaceful nature of the transition. And then, once she is asleep to see a smile tease across her face as she sleeps, you…