Tag: Flu vaccine
Needles, pain associations, H1N1 and mice
A couple of things this evening. We took the twins into the Fraser Health office where they received their six month shots. These will apparently protect them from diseases like diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus, hepatitis A or B or C or D or whatever it does. They get one massive needle deep into the thigh tissue…
H1N1 Vaccine
I talked to my doctor today about the pros and cons of getting the H1N1 vaccine for the twins. He was very understanding of my concern that the twins are still borderline too young, too small and too vulnerable to get the shots. He advised that if we do decide to get them the shots that we…
H1N1 vaccination; yea or nay?
Okay so the H1N1 flu vaccine is now available in BC. So do you get the jab or not? The freaking guilt being heaped upon people for questioning the need for the vaccine is unbelievable. I heard some government apologist saying that the federal government has gone to extraordinary lengths and COST so that we can…