Tag: gardening

  • Asapargus Season

    Asapargus Season

    Well look who popped up in my 100 foot garden. My first asparagus of the season!

  • Planting Asparagus 

    It was a warm and sunny morning so my immediate impulse was to get outside and do some gardening.   Yesterday I was at Gardenworks over in Burnaby and I picked up a bag of asparagus roots. Today I prepped the garden bed and planted the asparagus roots.  Funny thing, in order to fully understand…

  • Pallet Garden Update

    My pallet garden “experiment” has not gone as well as I had hoped. I managed to get a few feedings of spinach, radicchio and kale out of the garden but it quickly dried up whereas the spinach and kale growing in the other garden boxes have continued to flourish and produce. Another problem with the…

  • Front Yard Gardening

    I have blogged Front Yard Garden and I will probably blog about it again in the future but quite simply, I love my front yard garden. And if anyone tells you they don’t have time for gardening, they don’t understand how easy it is to grow food. Because we live along a very busy street,…

  • Pallet Garden Update

    My pallet garden is growing! I was worried that the seeds had been washed out because when I watered it for the first time a lot of water cascaded off the front. As. It turns out, he seeds held fast.     More updates later. 

  • Building a Pallet Garden

    If you have a limited amount of space for gardening, or you are like me and you like to maximize the amount of garden space in your city yard, a pallet garden may be the answer for you! The first thing you need is a pallet. You need to be careful when picking a pallet,…

  • Chayote Squash

    I have discovered (much like Europeans say they “discovered” North America) a very tasty and intriguing new vegetable – the chayote squash. Next to my mother’s home lives a Chinese family and the grandmother from that home is wild about gardening. They have every single inch of their backyard growing some kind of an edible…

  • Bulb Planting at Como Lake Park

    Coquitlam’s Park Spark program is hosting a community bulb planting event at Como Lake Park on Thursday, October 23 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Neighbours, school groups and local businesses are encouraged to stop by Como Lake Park to help plant flower bulbs around the park. Volunteers will be able to work alongside City gardening…

  • Bringing Wilderness Into a Suburban Garden

    For many years, gardening has meant bringing order to nature by designing outdoor spaces to feature boxed-in plants and flowerbeds, clearly defined pathways and well-tended bushes and trees.  But there has been a movement of late to work with Mother Nature rather than against her, resulting in gardens that mix both tamed nature and nature…

  • How to Make a Patio Pallet Garden

    This is the next step that I want to take in my urban gardening experience – a pallet garden. All you need is a pallet, a couple bags of soil, a roll of landscape cloth and a stapler (with staples). This seems so easy to do, and if you have a limited amount of space,…