Tag: Gateway Theatre

  • For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again

    Although I am not able to attend the Gateway Theatre presentation of For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again, I have a trusted friend going in my stead who will report back to me on how the show worked. In brief, this play, an audience favourite at Canada’s Magnetic North Theatre Festival in Ottawa, is…

  • Cook Your Life – A One Woman Show

    Although I have been going to the theatre for many, many years it is hard to believe that I’ve never seen a one-man or one woman show. Yesterday evening that all changed. I went out to Richmond to the Gateway Theatre Pacific Festival where I saw a one-woman show called “Cook Your Life”. Let me go…

  • Gateway Theatre Festival’s – Cook Your Life

    Following last year’s ground-breaking inaugural year, Gateway Theatre is thrilled to bring back the Gateway Theatre Pacific Festival, showcasing in Richmond BC the best contemporary theatre Hong Kong has to offer. One of the theatre events in the Gateway Theatre Pacific Festival that is of particular interest to me combines two of my passions: food and live theatre.…