Tag: hospital

  • My Visit to the Royal Columbian Hospital 

    Last Tuesday I was at home, playing Lego with my kids when I was quite suddenly doubled over from a pain in my abdomen. Within 30 minutes I knew that I was not just having a “stomach ache” so I had my kids call their mom to get her home ASAP and an ambulance to…

  • A Visit with a Friend on the Psych Ward

    Many people, if hospitalized in order to get their bipolar disorder under control would move away from the spotlight. Not blogger Steven Schwartz. Rather than move away from the spotlight, Schwartz is shining the light clearly upon himself as he journeys with his mental illness. Now that he has checked himself into the hospital, Steven blogs daily…

  • Needles, pain associations, H1N1 and mice

    A couple of things this evening. We took the twins into the Fraser Health office where they received their six month shots. These will apparently protect them from diseases like diphtheria, smallpox, tetanus, hepatitis A or B or C or D or whatever it does. They get one massive needle deep into the thigh tissue…