Tag: recipes

  • Gluten-Free Brazilian Cheese Breads

    My Mom made these cool little cheese breads – cheese breads that are gluten-free and yet still full of flavour!! Once again, these are so easy to make that it is almost ridiculous. The best way to mix together the ingredients for these cheese breads is in a blender. However if you’re one of the…

  • Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Here is the recipe for the most amazing and best tasting gluten free chocolate chip cookies you will ever find. Perhaps the best part, these cookies are super easy and quick to make. Mix the following ingredients together in a bowl: One cup of almond butter 3/4 cup of sugar One large egg A half…

  • Italian-Style Apple Cake Recipe

    One of the places we find recipes that we like, recipes like this Italian-Style Apple Cake that actually tastes great, is at our local Thrifty Foods. The directions are pretty easy to follow and the results are really tasty. Here it is: Prep Time: 30 minutes with a Cooking Time  of 40-45 minutes. Makes: 8 servings 1/2…

  • Mexican Lasagna Recipe

    This morning I posted a comment in the About page asking for contributions to this blog and not even two hours later, there in my inbox is a recipe from Carla for Mexican Lasagna. Carla says this a great dish for taking to go. If you have been invited to a potluck lunch or dinner,…

  • Blow your MIND Tomato Basil Pasta

    How cool is this recipe? I found this recipe on Facebook yesterday and we ended up cooking it for dinner. And it was delicious!! For this recipe there is no straining the pasta, just stirring. So what do you need? Pasta, Tomatoes, Veggie Broth, Olive Oil, and Seasonings.Throw it all in the pot, INCLUDING the…

  • Meatless Meatloaf Recipe

    I was asked if I could repost the recipe that my mother gave me for the best ever meatless meatloaf. As an aside, I am still looking for a top quality, gourmet mac and cheese recipe. If you have a time-tested favourite, go to the “About” page to find my email and send it to…

  • Celebrating Sunday Night Dinner

    One of my favourite memories from my childhood (other than the fact that our entire family moved, to live for a number of years, to our summer cabin…how cool is that!) was our weekly Sunday night dinners. Our family always feasted so well. Perhaps that was where and when I developed my appreciation for food…food…