Tag: routines
A Merry Christmas to All…
Well it certainly has started out as a very merry Christmas here at our house. As per usual, Annalie woke me up at 2:30am demanding a couple bottles of milk and a diaper change. I obliged her, as I usually do. This was after Story had woken up at 11pm and decided that the night…
Brown Bear gets a Toothbrush…and Uses It
Now that Brown Bear has her two front teeth in all their glory popping into place, she has her own toothbrush. So tonight Wifey called me up to the bathroom to get a photo of Brown Bear brushing her teeth. Wouldn’tcha know it, her camera and mine had dead batteries. I did manage to squeeze one…
Sunday breakfast
Story and I are back home from our weekly Sunday breakfast. All is good and back to normal in life after having been away for a couple of days. Sitting in blog-central with Annalie squirming on my knee as a tap out my posting. Funny when I was watching the twins sleeping last night, even…
Daylight savings time
I guess the twins did not get the memo about the clocks all being moved back an hour last night. Ususally at 6pm we take them upstairs and bathe them, get them into clean sleeping sacks, argue about how much baby powder to use on them (I err on the side of never too much) read…