Tag: sleep

  • Vlog #8; Beautyrest Sleeptracker

    My eighth vlog entry with some of that fancy editing like my friend Michael over on Beyond the Rhetoric does. In this vlog post I discuss my favourite pastime – SLEEP – and how the Beautyrest Sleeptracker is making me more aware of the factors that influence my sleep. https://youtu.be/ZSXINbbUQ9s Disclosure: I have partnered with…

  • I Sleep To Be The Best Family Man I Can Be

    Some people say that, “Not all that gets measured matters. However, “sleep” is something that can be measured and trust me, sleep really does matter. It was not until I had children that I realized how important it was to “measure” and “manage” my sleep and my sleep habits. In the first two years of…

  • A Restonic Mattress and the Importance of Sleep

    Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad   and Restonic Mattress for this promotion. As always, full editorial control stays with me.  Just over seven years ago my life changed forever when I became the father of twin daughters. Before my kids were born I would go to bed at some point in the evening,…

  • Consultants and Parasites

    I have heard it said that a consultant is a person who comes into your business and immediately and systematically removes all the clocks and devices that you use to tell what time it is. Once all the clocks have been removed, you are wholly dependent on the consultant to know what time it is. With parenting “consultants”…

  • Sleeping and Dreaming

    Last night, for only the second time since since our baby girls were born I slept long and deep enough to actually slip into a dream. The subject matter of the dream is what is quite amusing. My dream took me on a complicated path through a restaurant/meeting room complex to a caucus retreat meeting…