Tag: Sunday mornings

  • A Sunday Morning in Mundy Park


  • Lovely weekend excursions to Kerrisdale and Dundarave

    In our continuing efforts to introduce the twins to new neighbourhoods and see new sights, this weekend we took them to Kerrisdale and Dundarave. Both trips went smashingly well, thank you very much. The trip to Kerrisdale was a special pleasure because Caraghand I both have ties to that part of town. I used to…

  • Sunday breakfast

    Story and I are back home from our weekly Sunday breakfast. All is good and back to normal in life after having been away for a couple of days. Sitting in blog-central with Annalie squirming on my knee as a tap out my posting. Funny when I was watching the twins sleeping last night, even…

  • Sunday breakfast

    Story and I are now back home after the traditional Sunday morning breakfast at Quan’s Kitchen. This morning Story’s mother was awake before we could sneak out of the house so Story was actually properly clothed this time. Usually I sneak away early so whichever twin comes with me is attired in her sleepwear. This morning…

  • Sunday morning breakfast

    Went to my usual Sunday morning breakfast with a baby. Today was Story’s turn to get out for one-to-one time with her Papa. She was a little cranky being out today probably because her mother wrapped her in so many layers of clothing she could barely move Lord help us when it actually gets cold…