My Sweetheart and I were talking on the way home from Spanish Banks. The conversation turned to the “what do you think are the three items that are essential to us in regards to our babies.”

She immediately said, well, “You.” Making me quickly adjust my mental list to place her at the top of that list. In all honesty I have no idea how I would function if she was stolen away for more than a day. But anyway, assuming she is there for me, my three essential items would be, number one…disposable diapers. There I said it; disposable diapers are my crutch. I can’t even imagine life without them at this stage.
Next would be the double capacity stroller so that I can take the little ones anywhere. I love our double seater Mountain Buggy stroller. It just makes life so much easier. If the girls are going apey in the house I can load them in the stroller and go out for a walk. Where we end up, doesn’t matter. Gives me, and perhaps more importantly, gives my Sweetie, a sanity break from watching the kids slowly tear the house down from the inside outwards.
The third essential item is my camera. This is essential to me because how else would I be able to share all these great moments that we have if it was not for the camera?

So, what are your three essentials? Why are they essential to you and your existence? Care to share?
10 responses to “The Three Most Essential Items”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Stacey Robinsmith and Stacey Robinsmith, Stacey Robinsmith. Stacey Robinsmith said: The three essential items discussion started up in our home. My blog post on the subject; Agree? Disagree? […]
THAT is a tricky one. I think my number one is disposable diapers too. Its terrible and Im sure I’m going to be guilted to the moon and back for agreeing with you, but there it is. The second would be a banana. Kahlen LOVES (unnuatually loves) bananas and they seem to solve ANY problems he is having. Tired? banana! Hungry? Banana! Fussy? banana? just fell down and bleeding? Banana! I swear this simple yellow fruit is a ‘magic’ one! And lastly… hmmm… my ergo baby carrier. That thing makes it possible to take a screaming, clingy, angry, sleepy child anywhere. LOVE IT!
If Caragh and I are together it is Ergo Carrier. Me alone with the twins? Double stroller. The other critical one is the coffee and the French Press. Essential stuff.
Funny about bananas, they are a fav around here as well. Same with avocados. Our girls love avocados!
You didn’t tell us what your Sweetheart put on her list. I like the beginning of hers, so would say:
1) parenting partner and/or village
2) time
3) sleep/health
Having done only one baby, not double babies, I managed to mostly use disposable diapers only for going out and for night when he was still not always making it through the night at 3 yrs old. I had a horrible umbrella stroller (that got lots of use) so I can only imagine the joys of your Ferrari of strollers.
What I did like was the bike seat. He was on the back of my ‘too big for me’ 10-speed. I couldn’t do feet flat standing over the bar but. somehow, the two of us made it up (and down) some of White Rock’s most vertical hills without either of us dying.
Kittens were good, too!
Yeah, its too bad there isn’t a ‘double’ ergo eh? Avacados used to be a fave around here and then, suddenly she hate them!? Toddlers are nuts!
I agree with the COFFEE! Or LORD I need it. Badly!
[…] items you couldn’t be a parent without (other than the obvious things like KIDS, ha!) Read and either leave him a note or leave one […]
Double Ergo…yikes. I can’t imagine staggering around the city with 55-60 lbs of baby on my front and back. Both of them struggling to punch the other in the head…yes Howie, my final answer is the stroller.
3 essentials..can I only have 3??
Well, at the risk of sounding egotistical…my breasts would have to be pretty close to top of the list. ..haha..nursing the babies is always a good way to calm them down, and cuddle with them. Can I add a double nursing pillow to that too?
a washing machine for me…we power through so many clothes, cloths, blankets, diapers…I could not imagine having to carry it all to a laundromat.
The double stroller-yes, but we don’t go out as often as most I expect. Wrangling 3 kids is just beyond me a lot of days, so we are homebodies.
I’m not sure what my 3rd best thing would be. Hmm…
Wendy, I had forgotten about the washing machine…not too sure what life would be like without that thing!!
Such an interesting discussion for me. After I left my first comment, I realized that all I had for a camera was a Polaroid with film that was too expensive for me to use very often. The photos I have are precious, but I mostly lived without it.
Again, I only had one child, but not only did we live without a washing machine for years but for the first year and a half we lived with only a rusty old oil tank and had our water trucked in. We were very poor and we used that water until we were right to the bottom and what came out of the tap was orange.
Even after we returned to more “civilized” living, my son was 9 years old before we had the washing machine in our own laundry room and not a shared one outside of our “home”. (Remember that I mostly used cloth diapers! An environmental choice, but also a desire to keep the absorbent chemicals away from my little baby.)
We did have a Snuggli, though. I LOVED that thing for the first few months. (I had a 9 pounder from the get-go, so he was soon too heavy for me to manage the Snuggli without help.) The bounce chair that I could put on the floor or the counter (probaby completely dangerous) so that he could be happily watching me whatever I was doing. We had great talks!