The Eating in the Burbs test kitchen has been using the Veggetti we bought earlier in the summer to see how it really functions. And, I am very pleased to say that it does a very admirable job once one is comfortable with it and has the correct veggies to grind.
When I first tried the Veggetti I was using a cucumber because someone had taken the zucchini out of the test kitchen. The cucumber had marginal success but for slicing zucchinis and carrots, the Veggetti works really well and has minimal clean up.
Today we used it to turn a zucchini and a carrot into thick “noodles”. Then we ladled homemade bolognese sauce onto the noodles before microwaving the dish for seven minutes.

I apologize for the messy dish in the photo above. I had the dish all prepped for the camera and realized that the zucchini noodles were not visible. So I pulled them to the surface of the dish and shot the pic without wiping the dish clean.
Of course instead of microwaving the dish you can just as easily quick-cook the zucchini noodles by immersing them into a pot of boiling water for a very short time. However, the microwave method worked like a charm!
Overall, with a bit of practice and some learning the Veggetti has proven itself to be a very useful kitchen tool that works well and requires very minimal clean up. Two thumbs up from the Eating in the Burbs test kitchen.