Party Ribs on the Traeger

Start with a couple rubs. Probably would have been smart to have taken a picture of the ribs being cut into individual pieces like Party Ribs should be. But you know what it’s like when your hands have raw pork meat juice on them – do t touch your phone/camera.

Seeing as I missed the step where I cut the racks of ribs into individual ribs – called party ribs – here they are already on the Traeger grill getting their smoke on.

Keep them on the Traeger smoker for a couple hours. And yes, there are a couple Russet potatoes wrapped in foil getting baked like my buddies in high school.

After a while, put them in a foil pan, add a couple slices of butter, a generous drizzle of honey or a sweetner like agave or maple syrup and a splash of barbecue sauce. Mix well, making sure the honey and barbecue sauce are spread all over the ribs.

Like I said, make sure all the ribs have the sauce on them.

Cover them with foil so they can steam and cook inside the pan. I was aiming for 200° internal temperature. It helps if you put the thermometer inside before sealing the package. I forgot this step so I just went by the time and hoped for the best.

At 200° and above the stuff that holds the meat together, collagen etc starts to breakdown making the meat tender.

I actually pulled them off at about 185° so they were a much firmer bite – the way I like them.

Party ribs. Good stuff.



