Well Christmas dinner has come and gone and other than the “wreck” the brined turkey has been consumed. And the verdict? I still do not enjoy the white breast meat from turkey.

The truth is, breast meat is simply too dry to be enjoyable. Even after brining for 24 hours, the breast meat was not to my liking. Admittedly, other people who ate the breast meat did say that it was excellent and delicious, but to me, it was simply the same as any other turkey breast meat I have eaten.
Now the drumsticks, thighs and wings, the dark meat on the bird – that was excellent meat! Moist and full of flavour.
I suppose the next step is for me to do the deep-fried turkey routine. Or perhaps it is simply time to admit that turkey breast is not my thing and to move along. Nah, I like the idea of trying a deep-fried turkey first!