Day One of Eating in the City

I had the opportunity to visit downtown Vancouver for a few days. So I’m going to post my foodie finds and observations for each day I’m downtown.

On my first day downtown I went for dinner with a group of friends. I’m actually not going to say where we went because I don’t have too many nice things to say about them and I didn’t tell the restaurant my complaints.

My first meal was a buttermilk fried chicken sandwich. As you can see in my blurry image above, all the components listed on the menu were present. Avocado, crispy bacon, romaine lettuce, and two large pieces of buttermilk fried chicken.

And that’s where the problem was. The chicken was really tough and stringy. Like really tough.

And the rest of the sandwich had very little flavour. For $22 this sandwich was very disappointing.

One more thing I found annoying. As the servers were clearing the table they would reach across the table to the place settings on the other side of the table to clear empty plates. Lifting the dirty plates over top of the people on the other side of the table.

What’s wrong with that? First off when you’re lifting a dirty plate across somebody else’s plate that’s kind of gross. Also if you slip a tiny bit and then something falls off of the plate you’re lifting over top of somebody else’s meal and something falls off the dirty plate onto somebody else’s plate, then you’re into a big mess. You’re apologizing and potentially comping meals.

It is just as easy to walk around the table and reach over the guests shoulder, who is already done their meal. Less risk.

Anyway, that’s my first days observations about food in the downtown. I have to say that Popeyes chicken sandwiches in the burbs are far superior to the chicken sandwich I had downtown this time. ?


