Bread Baking

Vitamix Cream of Asparagus Soup

I am teaching my kids the importance of “waste not, want not” and honestly, is there any kitchen device that exemplifies that more so than the Vitamix?

The Vitamix will turn virtually anything you have in the kitchen into an ultra-smooth smoothie. Or into soup. Like a Vitamix Cream of Asparagus soup.

So that is what the kids and I did this weekend. We made a creamy, rich, and delicious asparagus soup while using the entire stalk of asparagus – from top to stringy bottom.

And, if you want to make it vegan, skip the cream and the cheese and honestly, it is just as delicious. I have heard that adding cashews to the soup will also add a very creamy feel to the soup – I didn’t have any so I added in about a 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds.

In this video I added a little scoop of leftover spaghetti noodles to the soup. When I make Vitamix soup I just go to the fridge and get whatever is left over and add a scoop to the soup. Leftover tortellini – add 4-5 of them to each bowl. Rice? Add it in. Mashed potatoes? Add it. You get the idea.

For me, the Vitamix (not sponsored) is the one of the useful kitchen appliances in our kitchen.



