I bought a new pair of dungarees! I bought a pair of heavy weight selvage* denim jeans from Brave Star Selvage.
My new Brave Star Selvage jeans are made from a 21.5 ounce sanforized denim that is made on the classic Cone Denim looms located in White Oak North Carolina. Brave Star jeans are stitched together in downtown Los Angeles.
The 21.5 ounce weight of the denim used in these is extraordinary. Most good quality denim is about 13 ounces. “Inexpensive” denim is around 10 ounces. The Brave Star’s at 21.5 ounces…that’s HEAVY. My new jeans will almost stand up on their own!
My plan is to wear these new jeans EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.** For a year. Without washing them.
And my plan is to share a picture of them here, every Friday. I am calling it my “Fade Friday”.
“Fade” is the term used to describe the way the jeans are wearing and developing wrinkles and creases and faded lines into the denim.
So here is my first Fade Friday image – after one day of wear.
*Some people spell it “selvedge”. Others, like the folks at Brave Star spell it “selvage”. Either. Or either works.
**Although I say I am going to wear these jeans every single day, that does not actually mean I will wear them all day, every day. I will likely wear other clothes and make a point of wearing these heavy weights for at least a portion of the day.