Ford Maverick

Ford Maverick Follow Up

Shortly after I posted about the new “compact” Ford Maverick pick up truck, the comments began to roll in.

Why get a small truck when you can get a full size truck that can haul massive loads – you know, what if you need to move a huge trailer?

Well, over the last 15 years I haven’t had to move a huge trailer or ANY load that I can’t fit in my car. Why would that suddenly change?

Why not wait a bit longer and get the Ford Lightning – the EV Ford?

Because starting price for the Lightning is TWICE the price of the Ford Maverick. Twice. The. Price. Simply put, the economics don’t work for me. Partly because I ride a bicycle to work twice a week and I live less than 10 kilometres from work.

So I’ll keep waiting for the little Maverick to be available.



