Tag: retirement

  • Planning For Security in Retirement

    Seeing as my milestone birthday is next week, I have begun thinking about the next phase of my life. Most people view retirement as a time to shift gears and enjoy a slower pace of life. Retirement is often seen as a time when individuals can kick back, worry less and take it easy after…

  • An Alternate View of the Retired Life

    A reader posted a comment on my recent blog post about my neighbour who threw away his alarm clock after retiring and then the commenter thought his comment might be construed as insensitive and asked that I delete the comment from that particular post. I did as the commenter requested. But you know, his comment,…

  • The Retired Life

    I’ve got a neighbour who has been retired for many years. Sadly, a couple of years ago his wife of many, many years died a relatively sudden death. Since then he has lived the life of an elderly bachelor. About a year ago he told me he thought he needed a “girlfriend”. I told him…

  • Kumsheen Secondary’s 10 Year Grad Reunion and Retirement Celebration

    Yesterday evening I had the very great honour of returning to my hometown, Lytton BC and MC’ing a ten year grad reunion along with a retirement celebration for one of my teacher-mentors. This was truly an honour for me to be invited to this event and then to be asked to MC it…so cool. Now before…